JJ had his 6-month visit with the pediatrician today. He's still a healthy boy. His current stats are below:
Weight - 17 lbs 8 oz (50th percentile)
Height - 26.5 inches (50th percentile)
Head Circumference - 44.5 cm (75th percentile)
Pretty average except for that big noggin! And I was adamant that his head only looked big because of the lack of hair. I stand corrected.
The doctor's advice was to keep adding more foods to JJ's diet, increase the amounts we're giving him, and get him sleeping through the night on a regular basis. Do you hear that, son?!
He was a tough little guy when he received his immunizations (3 shots and 1 oral vaccine). He cried for less than 30 seconds this time, and I was proud :) Here he is back home after the appointment, showcasing his sitting ability.
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