Monday, June 28, 2010

Maxin' and relaxin'

We had a pretty relaxing weekend with JJ. These photos sum up Saturday -- chilling out at home on the couch:

On Sunday, JJ had his first trip to the pool!  He's gotten his feet wet in the kiddie pool in our backyard several times with Miss Ana, but this was his first BIG pool experience.  We think he was more intrigued by all the little kids running around than anything else, but he looked really cute in his swimming trunks and that's the most important thing!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A couple of Sunday videos

First up, we have a little more laughing. He only gets to laughing about once per week and we do our best to capture it. He's on a swing in this one so epilepsy warning is in full effect.

Next up, we have some solid food. That is, if you can call soupy rice cereal and milk 'solid'. Our first three attempts with rice cereal over the past week did not go great, but JJ is warming up to the idea. With this evening's fourth go at it, I think he may have the hang of it. Another warning on this one: the video is an epic 5 minutes in length.

Happy Father's Day!

To all the dads out there, Happy Father's Day!

Here are some photos of JJ with his daddy and a couple other male role models :)

JJ and his daddy are enjoying their first Father's Day together.  We met up with Aunt Jess & Uncle Eric for brunch at Iron Cactus and feasted on Mexican food, omelettes, pancakes, bread pudding, and bottomless mimosas. (Sounds strange, but it all went together quite well!)  JJ just stuck to milk, but we have given him rice cereal a few times in the past week.  He is not sure what he thinks of it just yet but we'll keep trying.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

4-Month doctor visit, and goats, pigs, and bunnies - oh my!

JJ visited his pediatrician last Monday for his 4-month check-up.  He is 25.75 inches long, and he now tips the scale at 15 pounds so he outweighs even our heavier cat.  (Speaking of cats, JJ has taken a real interest in Lucy and Kater recently.  He loves to watch them and "pet" their fur when they're within grabbing range.)

JJ is still in the 50th percentile for weight (to our surprise -- we think he's kinda chunky) but has jumped up to the 75th percentile for height.  The doctor said he's doing great, and the next big milestone is to start some solid food in the coming weeks.

Last weekend, we stopped in at our neighborhood's summer barbeque event.  Most of it was pretty lame but there was a pretty cool petting zoo!
Andy thinks I look like I'm offering JJ to the baby goat in this picture:
Babies and bunnies: so much cuteness.  I don't think J even realized he was inches from this bunny.
We capped off last weekend by introducing JJ to his jumperoo.  He loves it!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy 4-Month Birthday, JJ!

JJ turned 4 months old today! We bought him some new toys for his birthday over the weekend, but he got us the real present today. It came in the form of a crazy outburst of laughter during an impromptu game of Peek-A-Boo.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Video smorgasbord

Here's a variety of videos.

First, JJ would like a word with you:

Next, JJ demonstrates his vocal range with a wide variety of screams:

Finally, he does a little bit of laughing with mom: